Make your voice heard.

Our leaderboard tracks European Parliamentary candidates committing to defending and advancing the human rights of LGBTI people.


candidates have signed our pledge

32 36 9 9 21 60 28 3 79 129 99 71 25 16 144 5 24 14 24 49 16 46 11 16 25 61 58



Seats number

Top 5 signatory countries

Czech Republic

Latest candidate signatures

Netherlands Anne Cramer 09.06
Netherlands Tom Berendsen 09.06
Netherlands Malik Azmani 09.06
Cyprus Stalo Panayides 09.06
Portugal Fatima Teixeira 09.06

Top 5 signatory EU parties

#1 Greens/EFA 267
#2 S&D 263
#3 The Left 220
#4 Renew 193
#5 Not affiliated 129
How can we work together for a better Europe? - 2:34

What it means to ‘Come Out 4 Europe’?

The European Union is a world leader in defending the rights of LGBTI people. At this time, when human rights and democracy are under challenge, the June 2024 EU elections are crucial. Learn more about our campaign, and why these elections are so important for LGBTI justice and equality.

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About the pledge

The Come Out 4 Europe pledge holds our political representatives running for the European Parliament accountable to their promises for LGBTI justice. In light of recent polarisation and threats LGBTI peoples’ fundamental rights. Signing the pledge is more important than ever. In doing so, candidates commit to working together with us for LGBTI rights, equality and democracy across the EU and beyond. They pledge to ensure that the EU defends LGBTI people’s rights and equality in the EU as well as worldwide.

In all this, we ask candidates to engage closely with LGBTI civil society, who are the primary experts on the needs of their communities, and seek out their input and strategic guidance.

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Follow us for the latest updates on the campaign

Magda Rakita Poland
Farah Abdi Germany
Kerstin Thost Germany
Simeon Vasilev Bulgaria
Tamás Dombos Hungary
Vlad Viski Romania

Your Vote Can Protect Human Rights

Since 1999, the EU has had the power to act in cases of discrimination based on sexual orientation. Since then, it has adopted legislation and measures to extend legal and social protection for LGBTI people in EU countries. Below are some important milestones in our ongoing fight for justice and equality.

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The Employment Equality Directive prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation in the workplace.


The EU Free Movement Directive gives the right to move freely within Member States, including registered partners of citizens.

Refugees and immigrants at the London Pride parade, 2019.


The Asylum Qualification Directive grants asylum on the basis of ‘membership to a particular social group’, including sexual orientation.


The Victims’ Rights Directive establishes minimum standards on the protection of victims regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.


The EU Council adopted guidelines to promote and protect the human rights of LGBTI persons abroad.

2020 LGBTIQ Strategy press release


The EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 states that the EU must be at the forefront of efforts to better protect LGBTIQ people and commits to a number of initiatives, mainstreaming LGBTI rights to the work of the EC.


EU launches legal procedures against Hungary over a law prohibiting access to content that shows diversity in sexual orientation and expression.


The EU Commission introduced a procedure to block EU funds from going to ‘LGBT-free zones’ in Poland.


The CJEU ruled that if one EU country recognises the child’s parental relationship, then all EU countries should do the same.

Milano Pride, Mick de Paola


The EU Commission together with member states publishes a guidance note on the collection and use of data for LGBTIQ equality.