Tanja Airaksinen

Vaadin lakia, jossa Pride-liputus otetaan vuosittaiseksi liputuspäiväksi kaikkialla Euroopassa, Pridekulkueiden aikaan.
Sain Kuopioon poliittisella aloitteellani virallisen vuosittaisien liputuspäivän. samaa edistän Euroopassa laajemmin.
Haluan myös edistän Euroopan unionin strategiaa, jossa kitketään: sukupuolistunut väkivalta, sukupuolistereotypioiden kyseenalaistaminen. Haluan edistää sukupuolierojen oikeuksia työmarkkinoilla. Edistän tasa-arvoa sukupuolten palkka- ja eläke-politiikassa. Taistelen sukupuolten tasapuolisen edustuksen saavuttamiseksi päätöksenteossa ja politiikassa.

Jesper Lindholm

As a socialdemocrat and as a LGBTQ-member myself, I would prioritize advancing our rights and interests as well as maintaning the cooperation with LGBTQ-organizations.

Julian Krismer

LGBTIQ+ rights are human rights. As an ally I am committed to the fight against attacks on visibility, threats against individuals for who they are or any other form of discrimination.

Dominik Szecsi

I will fight for the rights of the lgbtqia+ community by demanding to make every anti-discriminatory law obligatory EU wide. The fight must also be taken to some individual countries, since gay marriage for example is not even legal in every EU country. A life, where everyone can live and love however and whoever they want must be provided for every citizen!

Maria Georgia (Marizeta) Antonopoulou

Equal rights and enforcement of equality politics are in my main political agenda.

In Greece we need to deliver more in legal framework, especially on the implication of the legislation.

One of the main problems that we face is the culture and the every day behaviors especially in the periphery. If I am elected I will focus on social politics and grassroots movements that will focus on good practices in schools, public services, workplaces.

Dieynaba DIOP

Je défendrai dans le cadre de l’égalité de traitement et le respect des droits humains, la mise en place de sanctions financières pour les états membres qui ne respecteraient pas la charte européenne. Ces fonds seront ensuite reversés à des associations qui œuvrent pour la défense et la préservation des droits LGBTQI+

Georg Schlager

As I'm a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community myself, I want to fight for our rights day & night!
We experience more and more attacks from the far right, which we must not put up with.
We want inclusion and the same rights for everyone, no matter what gender nor sexuality.