Miroslav Pomajdík

Our movement has often stood up for the LGBTI community, e.g. we initiated a significant campaign against the so-called referendum for the traditional family (since it is capitalism that destroys families and not the LGBTI community), where we used graphics, actions, and articles to attack the significant homophobia that appeared in the Slovak Republic. Our movement clearly declared that it would support registered partnerships. Support for the rights of the LGBTI community is of course based on our Marxist positions.

Ifigenia Moumtzi

I am committed to engaging meaningfully with LGBTI civil society and will ensure that my policies protect, uphold, and advance LGBTI rights.

I will respect and act upon the commitments as they are outlined in the pledge.

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Trabert

LGBTAQ* people must enjoy the same rights in all member states. EU and national directives must be binding and cover the grounds for multiple and intersectional discrimination, such as socio-economic status, age, ethnicity, origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity or disabilities.
Therefore, we demand among other things to develop a new LGBTIAQ* equality strategy for 2025-2030. In order to implement this, the Commission should ensure a department for an equal opportunities and diversity officer in the next term of office.

Katja Sluga

First and foremost, I will not stop against homophobia and transphobia in my daily communications. Secondly, I will fight hard for the creation of more robust minimal standards for the safety of LGBTQIA+ minority. It is essential that they are able to be safe all around the EU, no matter the legislation in the specific country.

Dan Juvan

I would advocate for the implementation of the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 trough the adoption of legally binding directives. I would focus on the ban on conversion therapies, health and mental health access for LGBTIQ persons and for self determination of LGBTIQ persons.

Anja Hazekamp

I will continue my fight for animals, humans, nature and our environment. I will always stand up against hatred and discrimination. That includes opposing legislation that seek to criminalise or suppress marginalised groups and minorities. The European Parliament needs to uphold human rights for everyone.

Sely Papan

As the first openly trans* candidate I have the relevant lived experience needed for taking informed decisions. On top of that I want to keep in touch with local queer-adjacent organisations and consult with them at every step to guarantee a more diverse perspective.