Wanja Kaufmann

Som EU-parlamentariker vill jag sitta i utskott i EU-parlamentet där lagstiftning som berör HBTQI-personers rättigheter behandlas (för min del mer specifikt AFET). Jag vill också samarbeta med civilsamhällesorganisationer som kämpar för HBTQI-personers rättigheter för att lyfta frågorna och i alla politiska sammanhang kämpa för att stärka demokrati, rättsstatens principer och jämlikhet, vilket är särskilt viktigt i en tid när högerpopulistiska rörelser använder HBTQI-personers rättigheter som ett politiskt slagträ.

Daniel Freund

As a member of the intergroup and a fighter for fundamental freedoms and rule of law I will continue to fight to freeze EU funds to everyone not protecting the LGBTIQ community

Corinna Balkow

I will include queer perspectives in my political focus of youth and famlily politics. Queer kids deserve equal rights. I will also use my knowledge and experience to prevent discrimination against the queer community in mobility so everyone can travel freely.

Katrin Langensiepen

I am fighting and will continue to fight against all kinds of discriminations, whether it is on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, disability, religion or age. I support the queer community in the EU and beyond. I will continue to draw attention specifically to #DisabilityPride.

Sarah Pscherer

I am fully supportive of LGBTQIA+ community and their rights. If I am elected, I will actively work to protect their rights in parliament and beyond. I will collaborate with LGBTQIA+ organizations to ensure their voices are heard. Europe should lead in safeguarding the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals and be a safe haven for everyone.

Grace O’Sullivan

I will continue to be a strong ally to the LGBTI* community and pledge to re-join and supporting the LGBTI intergroup in the European Parliament.

Ieva Budraitė

Lithuania's Green Party is presenting the first feminist candidate list in the history of elections composed exclusively of women. Equality and justice, whether we are talking about sexual, ethnic, or other minorities, are fundamental to us. Therefore, we will strive to represent these values both at the national and EU levels.