Patrik Pusztai

Create a commission in EP. Make the Rainbow Rose stronger. Create a media campaign for LGBTQI+. Create a big European Movement for the LGBTQI+ people and try to get know the people that everybody have to accept and live together with the LGBTQI+ people because the LGBTQI+ people are same people as non-LGBTQI+.

Tiemo Wölken

In line with my socialdemocratic colleagues I support the establishment of a working group focusing on LGBTQIA+rights and the strengtheining of the European Institute for Gender Equality. I further underline that the European Commission must answer to any violations of LGBTQIA+rights within member states without fail – as Member of Parliament, I will observe this intently.

Fulvio Centoz

I am committed to maintaining a constant dialogue with LGBTQIA+ associations in order to build a more open and inclusive society and combat all forms of discrimination.

Jessy Eckerman

human rights is important and love is love
I always fight for that.

Sibylle Berg

The fight for equality, against the LGBTI community's marginalisation and the class struggle have always been a focus for me as an activist and artist. This will not change.