Jesmond Bonello

I am committed to involve all stakeholders to guarantee the best achievements.


As I always have. I will continue the good work. I was a member of the Intergroup of the LGBTI Rights and a close friend and collaborator of the head of the group Michael Cashman.

Donatella Anita ALFONSO

I will substain and improve EU initatives and laws about gender equality, trying to remove every discrimination. As a journalist other than a politician, I will work against fake news and disinformation regarding Lgbtqi+ persons and equality politics.

Magdalena Dropek

I will continue my over a decade-long fight for equal rights and protection of the LGBTIQ community from discrimination, I will support actions and initiatives for equality and strengthen their visibility. I will maintain contact with civil society and involve them in activities and advocacy.

Jesmond Marshall

As a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), I will commit myself to protecting the rights of minorities. I will support inclusive legislation, enforcing anti-discrimination laws, and promoting diversity initiatives.

Sara Ferrari

come ho sempre fatto in Provincia di Trento e in Parlamento, sosterrò tutte le risoluzioni che riconoscano pieni diritti LGBTQIA+ e contrasterò ogni forma di omolesbobiatransfobia attuata dalle forze politiche e dagli stati appartenenti all'UE