Clint Azzopardi Flores

As i did in the past, also with my media contributions, i will make sure to defend human and civil rigths. I am also part of the community.

Thomas Kattnig

Increasing attacks on LGBTQI+ rights by far-right governments and movements across Europe undermine inclusive societies and democracy. They show that, as progressive forces in the European Parliament, we must join our power and be a strong voice for the protection and promotion of equality, inclusion and diversity. Because LGBTQI+ rights are fundamental human rights!

Daniel Attard

Having worked closely with former Minister and current Equality EU Commissioner Helena Dalli, and having represented Malta on the EIGE, I am a firm believer in human rights for all, and will vociferously act as such.

Alex Agius Saliba

I will join the LGBTIQ Integroup as I did during the last mandate and always vote anfmd act in favour of equality.

Marija Sara Vella Gafà

I believe that human rights should be respected irrispective of the gender. My political party has worked very hard on ensuring that all couples are given the same rights.