Christian Kaiserseder

If I am elected to the European Parliament, I will advocate for the adherence to and strengthening of the European Human Rights and for the principle of equality regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, and religion. Discrimination of any kind, promoted by right-conservative or right-populist forces, has no place in the European Union. People should have the right to love anyone and choose any form of coexistence freely. I will oppose and fight against any form of right-conservatism or right-populism.

Sabrina Winter

I'll continue the fight for gender equality, on which I was allowed to work on in my old job, advising the former Chair of the FEMM committee, Evelyn Regner, the universal antidiscrimination directive must be unblocked in order that nobody may be discriminated because of the gender, LGBTI- humen rights must be reflected in all EU policy fields, esp. within the next MFF!

Claudia Arpa

I fully support the ILGA pledge and the European LGBTIQ+ community!

Patricia Katsulis

As an ally, I stand alongside the LGBTIQ community and advocate for a society where diversity is celebrated and all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, have equal rights and opportunities.

Evelyn Regner

The EU will always be a fierce ally and a strong force for the justice, diversity and rule of law! In the last term, we were able to declare Europe a #LGBTIQfreedomzone – that's not only a strong signal for our solidarity with the LGBTIQ+ Community but also our mandate for the next years: That is why I will always stand up against discrimination, injustice and hate!