Vootele Päi

By working closely with organizations and communities standing up and promoting LGBTI rights, both on international/EU level and with stakeholders here in Estonia.

Pia Maria Wieninger

As a social democrat, it is my mission to work every day for a good and self-determined life for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or other diverse backgrounds. I also see it as my duty to be a strong ally and to stand up for LGBTIQ rights at EU level.

Emma Fastesson Lindgren

I will work day and night to improve LGBTQI+ rights. If a member state discriminates LGBTQI+ people the should not be eligible for EU benefits. This will be my number one priority as an EU parliamentarian.

Elio Di Rupo

Belgium is a country at the forefront of LGBTI rights. This is the result of constant battles, in which I have played a very active part. In the European Parliament, I will commit myself with the same strength and conviction. Europe must be a sanctuary for equality between all human beings, and a model for the world to follow.

Fergal Landy

I will remain faithful to the pledge and respect, protect and fulfill the rights of the LGBTI community in all of my words and actions.

Michael Cardal

As a queer man myself, the issue of the LGBTQ community has always been one of the most important ones for me. If elected, I will work tirelessly to support my community all over Europe – not only when it comes to same-sex marriage and equal rights for all, but also regarding the everyday discrimination our community has to face. I know how it feels to be afraid of not being accepted for who I am or to fear to hold my partner's hand in the street. That is why I want every single member of the LGBTQ community in Europe to feel that someone has their back – and I can promise that I always will.

Piia Elo

I will work, in all means, to promote human rights, human dignity and equality.