Eleonora Evi

Listening to LGBTI organisations – crucial in order to transform input into concrete eu initiatives- and being proacvtively engaged, for instance, being part of the LGBTI Intergroup in the EP, raising the voice and rights of LGBTI people.

Pinja Perholehto

In every possible way. The first step is always to stand up and speak for human rights and democracy. Today it is even more important than in a while.

Daniela Ostra

I will always stand with the LGBTQ community and support their fight for equality (for example same sex marriages, parental rights etc)

Lubomír Zaorálek

I believe that Europe should be open and safe for everyone. I have always fought for equality for all and will continue to do the job in the European parliament as well.

Humberto Insolera

If elected as a European Parliament member, I'll actively support LGBTI rights. I will work to propose laws safeguarding sexual orientation and gender identity, ensure accountability for violations, secure funding for LGBTI groups, and advocate for their rights in Europe and worldwide.


Demande à la commission européenne d’une proposition de loi + mise en œuvre d’initiative citoyenne européenne