Gregor Salinger

As repeated backlashes in LGBTIQ+ rights in third countries and some member states show, progress in freedom, equality and human rights for LGBTIQ+ people cannot be taken for granted. We have to be a strong voice in the EU and continously fight to ensure that everyone, no matter whom they love or how they identify themselves, can live without any discrimination, enjoy the same rights and has access to all the support one needs. I will work on ensuring these rights in the treaties and commit to a values-based foreign policy to support minorities beyond the EU.

Piotr Sadowski

I believe that our collective work and fight for equality is never over, and as a member of the LGBTI community, I am even more aware that the threats to fundamental rights and abuses of the rule of law are always lurking from the increasingly vocal extreme right movements in Europe and across the globe. If elected, I pledge to work with ILGA-Europe and connect with other civil society organisations, the S&D Group and other progressive EU political families to remain united and work together, to use our collective strength to overcome prejudices, discrimination, and inequality.

Alessandro Zan

As an lgbqtqia+ activist, I’ll continue at European Parliament the struggle for rights that i’m still carry on the Italian Parliament.

Pia Mayr

I advocate for LGBTIQ-rights and would introduce and support legislation that promotes equality and protects the rights of LGBTIQ+ individuals. This could include measures to combat discrimination, ensure equal access to healthcare and education.
I would like to use my platform to raise awareness about LGBTIQ+ issues and educate the public on the importance of equality and inclusion. I would like to organize events, conferences, and campaigns to highlight the challenges faced by LGBTIQ+ individuals and the need for legislative action.