Stephanie Thiel

so, wie es bereits im "Come out 4 Europe pledge" -paper niedergeschrieben ist.

Es ist traurig, dass diese Menschenrechte noch immer nicht als selbstverständlich angesehen werden. Wir werden uns dem Kampf um die Gleichstellung weiter widmen, und dies auf allen Ebenen.

Mojca Kleva Kekus

My values are part of the political ideas my party, the Social Democrats, are based on. We believe in a free world where everyone is able to be whoever feels like to be. My values are based on equality, solidarity, respect of human rights and dignity. This is the only way I could perform a god job as politician.

Neva Grašič

I believe in inclusive Europe founded on universal human rights, Europe free from discrimination, as a force to guarantee rights for all.

I will reinforce the EU's strategies for Gender Equality and LGBTIQ+ Equality. I will push for the adoption of the European Anti-Discrimination Directive to strengthen political and social rights for all.

As democracy and rule of law are the best defenders of citizens' rights and are ensuring that everyone is treated equally, I will defend them at all levels. The crucial role of civil society in fostering democracy must be supported.

Claudia Zsofi

As an elected MEP, I'll prioritize equal rights for LGBTQI+ individuals. This means advocating for comprehensive anti-discrimination laws, marriage equality and adoption rights. I'll also work to combat hate speech and violence while promoting inclusive education and fostering a culture of acceptance. Together, we can build a more inclusive and just Europe for everyone.

Milan Brglez

By supporting and joining the LGBTIQ+ intergroup, promoting its initiatives, as well as continuing to integrate the perspective of LGBTIQ+ people’s rights in all the relevant debates and resolution, in close cooperation with the civil society.

Antonella Parigi

I will subscribe to create a LGBT intergroup inside the European Parliament; I will support relationships about LGBTQI rights; I will attend the gay pride events especially in countries where they are strongly opposed

Monica Romano

EU has taken few steps all over the years when it comes to LGBTQIA+ rights, but there are still many thinghs we all shall and must do.

The focal key points on which I will work are:
– Protection
– Work
– Empowerment

With a particular focus on transgender rights, for I would be the first transgender EU'S MEP in the history of the European Union.

Signing this pledge it's just the first step of many others I'll put in place to give my community a better and safer life.