Wout Haentjens

I will try to make sure that in making policy we always remember that love is love and everyone can be who they want to be.

Gloria Ghequiere

Vooruit stands for a strong and democratic Europe which upholds fundamental rights. We fight for a conditionality mechanism in the EU budget which makes EU funding to member states conditional to respecting democracy and human rights. We want an EU constitution which ingrains human rights as the non-negotiable fundament of EU law. This way, we can ensure Europe becomes an LBTIQ freedom zone, rather than a place with ‘LGBTIQ free zones’, which is unfortunately the case today.

Joyce Loridan

Continue to strive for equal rights throughout the EU.
Pilot awareness-raising and acceptance campaigns (focus on education of youth)

Asma Kareme

Everyone has the right to love who they want, love who they are, and to build a life they love. LGBTQ+ rights are human rights.

Matjaz Nemec

I will continue to flight for LGBTI+ rights and will support any initiative and proposals to advance the situation of LGBTI+ people in Europe and widers.

Bojan Glavasevic

As a life-long ally and activist, I will continue attending events such as Pride marches and other events in Croatia and other EU countries. I will also remain watchful and vigilant against homophobic and transphobic attacks by fellow MEPs and national politicians. I will sponsor amd support EU and member state legislation that advances, supports and empowers the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community.