Antonella Soldo

I will actively draft and co-sponsor legislation that explicitly protects against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics. I will support mechanisms to monitor and hold Member States accountable for any violations of LGBTI rights and non-compliance with EU treaties and legislation. I will strive to make the European Union a more inclusive and equitable place for LGBTI citizens, ensuring their rights and dignity are upheld in all aspects of EU policy and legislation.

Susanne Caarls

I, as a white woman, once experienced discrminiation: I was not seen, not acknowledged, I did not exist. This was a humbeling experience that has made a big impact on me; it gave me a glimps of how other people experience this daily.

Everybody should be able to be who they want to be. In the EP I will strive to create opportunities for all regardless of your religion, sexual oriention, fysical or mental limitations, age, background or education level. Also, I will consistently raise awereness by stimulating diversity and empower inclusive intivatives. In short: I will be an ally.

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt

I continue the work that i did as member of the European Parliament from 2009 – 2019 to champion LGBTI persons rights, in the committee of civil liberties, in cooperation with ILGA and as an active member of the inter group on LGBTI rights to ensure the right to be yourself and love you you wish for all. Thanks Anna Maria

Oihane Agirregoitia

If elected as an MEP, I will actively work to promote policies that ensure the protection and advancement of LGBTI rights across the EU, ensuring that the EU takes a strong stance against member states that breach these fundamental principles, as well as supporting efforts that advance equal rights and comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation.

Caterina Avanza

Ue must be a freedom zone as the su Parliament asked during the last mandate