Mattes Bauer

As Free Democrats, we advocate for a Europe that celebrates diversity. We believe that same-sex marriages should be recognised in every EU member state and reproductive rights ensured across the whole Union.

There should be no exception for any member state or accession candidate when it comes to respecting the civil rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals. EU funds to countries violating LGTBQIA+-rights should be held back.

Joonas Soukkio

Lupaan olla aktiivisessa vuorovaikutuksessa sateenkaarijärjestöjen kanssa ja tavata heitä säännöllisesti Euroopan unionin tilaan liittyen. Ihmisoikeusrikkomuksista ja oikeusvaltion heikentämisestä on tultava vahvempia sanktioita EU-tasolla, esimerkiksi jäsenmaan rahoituksen jäädyttämistä. Lainsäädäntötyössä on aina otettava huomioon sateenkaarioikeudet.

Roosa Grönberg

I, as a candidate for the European Parliament, promise to support LGBTI people’s human rights as also equality in the European Union and beyond it.

For me, as a member of the Finnish Centre Youth, equality appears similar as human rights regardless of sexual orientation or gender. Human rights are equal. Everyone should be allowed to participate, to advance their career, and also be treated the same regardless of background. If elected, I will strongly raise questions of equality and participation with a perspective that respects everyone.

Vincenzo Camporini

I will support all the initiatives aimed at fighting any type of discrimination.

Valtteri Paakki

The European Parliament must be a strong defender of the European Union's values, including human rights. A common union can only work if Member States adhere to common values, rules and objectives. If necessary, a Member State that is going down the wrong path can, for example, have its funding frozen.

Simona Viola

As a candidate for the European Parliament, I proudly take the Come Out 4 Europe Pledge 2024 to firmly support the human rights and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people in the EU and beyond.
If elected, I will:

Propose EU policies and laws explicitly protecting LGBTI people from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, and sex characteristics.
Recognize that LGBTI rights are intertwined with defending democracy, rule of law, and fighting inequality.
Hold EU member states accountable for violating LGBTI human rights obligations un