Anita Westerholm

Design a common EU policy to strengthen the human rights of LGBTQI people and take measures at EU level to combat discrimination and hate crimes against LGBTQI people in the EU member states.

Markus Weber

Regardless of being elected or not, I will communicate non-discrimination of LGBTI people.

Julius Lajtha

I will ensure to advocate and vote for full recognition of civil rights for queer people all across the EU member states, such as but not limited to compulsory recognition of marriage completed in a different jurisdiction, recognition of family status for same-sex couples with children, etc.
Aside from rights for queer people, I believe that the EU should become active in the field of gender or indeed sexuality based violence too, which is becoming an increasing concern especially given the appearance of "gay-free zones" in some cities in Poland, for example.
Let us fight together!

Laura Feldler

First, I would meet with representatives of organisations advocating for the rights of the LGBTIQ* community to get a better overview. In particular, about the laws and regulations in each EU country and how they are put into practice. The interests of the LGBTIQ* community are already a part of my daily work, because I am a party of the community as a bisexual woman. Furthermore I would support those organisations which I already mentioned and if necessary start a new initiative with the european parlament.

Erich Schweighofer

Variables of sexual orientation should be accepted in legislation and supported by European and national programmes. Violation of this principle by the home state should be a reason for asylum.