Alexandra-Mariana Pavelescu

To deliver on the commitments in this pledge, I will propose and support inclusive legislation, hold Member States accountable for human rights violations, defend LGBTI organizations, promote LGBTI rights internationally, consult with LGBTI civil society, communicate inclusively, and prioritize the community's safety.


In my current role, I focus on diversity, equity and inclusion for a large multinational organisation. I dedicate my work to ensuring the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community at all levels and also educate and raise awareness on the intersectionality of everyone. If elected I will continue to uphold these values of inclusion and making sure that we build an ever more equitable society for all.

Peter Berry

I will fight against any restrictions on the rights of LGBT individuals and continue to campaign for full legal equality across the European Union.

Dacian Cioloș

I will continue to strive for equal protection under the law for sexual minorities and all other minorities, just as I have done from the position of President of Renew Europe, the liberal group within the European Parliament.