Valérie Hayer

I will be committed to supporting the European and global fight against homophobia and for LGBTIQ+ rights. I will support the end of conversion therapies across Europe with my political family and all measures aimed at ending LGBT discriminations for all citizens and rainbow families.

Ana-Maria Boghean

Human rights are for all. I will promote and defend the full range of universal human rights.

I take the pledge to drive positive culture change and contribute to building more inclusive communities. I believe it's important to improve institutional protection against discrimination including through amending discriminatory laws or practices.

On the other hand, we need to have more programs aiming to
reduce hate speech, harassment based on discrimination and violence.

Marco Taradash

I defend individual rights and the Rule of Law. I am a radical liberal well known in my country for my issues.

Sonja Maria Lehmann

Discrimination and attacks against LGBTI people are not compatible with liberal and European values!

I am in favour of the following measures:
– a European action plan against homophobia and transphobia
– a complete ban on so-called ‘conversion therapies’
– Europe-wide legal protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual identity
– Recognition of same-sex marriages with all rights and obligations in all EU member states (including adoption rights)

Manuela Zambrano

Mi impegno a lottare per il matrimonio egualitario, per l’adozione di bambini alle coppie omogenitoriali, affinché si proibiscano gli interventi non salvavita di normalizzazione su bambini intersessuali, solo a citare alcuni argomenti che mi stanno a cuore.