Lena Lagestam

It is important to always emphasize the equal value of all people and to dare to stand up for it in all situations. I believe that equality should be a natural part as a basis for all decision-making in the same way as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is. I want to contribute to making it easier for all couples who love each other to start a family and create a nice life together.

Helmer Krane

As an EU parliamentarian, I will defend the rights of LGBTIQ+ people. I will not turn a blind eye when these rights are called into question or even when hatred is stirred up. I will stand up. I will defend these rights for what they are: An integral part of a Europe of free people. I will unite where others divide.

Sissel van Run-Kvist

I will be a strong and clear voice for equality and non-discrimination in the EU and work to ensure funding opportunities for the LGBTI community from EU-programs and funds.

Lucie Rousselle

As a Liberal, I stand for equal rights and for giving the possibility to everyone to be who they want to be. In many member states, this is not a reality or this is put at risk by conservative and far right parties. I will fight to end discrimination, ensure equal rights and the protection of sexual minorities, everywhere in the EU.

Julia Ståhle

I promise that the objectives of this commitment will guide all my decisions. I commit to listen, learn and to work in strong partnership with stakeholders and relevant partners.