Krisztián Váradi

As a minority Hungarian from Slovakia, I feel obliged to protect other minorities. Especially with minority politicians who see sexual minorities as a political target. Together, with a common purpose, we can fight for our rights and assert them together.

Michael Voss

Ein Einsatz für queere Menschen bedeutet für mich, für Ihre Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion einzutreten.
Oft werden sie Opfer von Diskriminierung, Vorurteilen und Gewalt. Mein Engagement soll ihnen dabei helfen, diese Barrieren abzubauen und eine tolerantere und gerechtere Gesellschaft zu schaffen.

Hosam el Miniawy

I believe in complete equality and it is great if you love no matter which gender or sexual orientation.

Oana Cambera

– Advocate for enforced legislation to guarantee that state members are compliant and put into execution the decisions of European court of law, treaties and strategies regarding human rights, in respect of LGBTI equality; advocate and adopt legislation for an EU framework for civil rights of LGBTI; continue the work with NGO and support their networking in EU states.

Hendri Nortier

Always speak up against hate against LGBTI and defend equal rights. Theirs no place for people who attack and make people insecure about themselfs just because who they are. In everyway lawmaking must be based on equal rights for everyone.

Irene Tolleret

By being a member of :
– LGBTQI intergroup
– FEMM ou LIBE committee
By tabling amendments, voting, organizing évents with IlgA
By being vocal on social or traditionnal media
By taking the opportunity of all the dates to défend LGBTQI rights, including Prides and international get togethers.
By linking and adding forces with lgbtqi intergroups in national congresses (member states or third countries)
By calling for action through resolutions with debate everytime lgbtqi rights are threatened anywhere