Michal Wiezik

As always, following the best possible direction for equal rights for everyone.

Ingrid Möller

I will continue working towards acceptance and safety for all lgbtq-people within Europe. It is important we establish laws and regulation that keep lgntq-people safe. We must also impose restrictions onto those countries that breach human rights regulations.

Matteo Di Maio

If elected, I will always sponsor and/or vote in favor on any regulation, directive, decision, recommendations and opinion protecting LGBTQI+ rights in the EU and around the world – regardless of the European Party from which those legislative acts may come. Bringing together different parties, MEPs and ideologies in order to foster LGBTQI+ inclusion is essential for the next European Parliament.

Moreover, since LGBTQI+ activism led me to join a political party and run for elections, as a MEP I will always be happy to host LGBTQI+ activists, associations and NGOs.

João Møller

I will not only vote for what I am committing here, I am also making it a priority!

Anne Sophie Callesen

By being af strong voice for equal opportunities, voting for concrete improvements through new parliamentary files and by pushing the commission and council to take the necessary action to support LGBTI rights.

Lars Fogh Mortensen

Using my knowledge and network to fight hard for the equal rights of all citizens in the EU

Kathrine Olldag

By initiating and supporting proposals that secures the rights of all European citizens to love, marry and raise af family with whom ever they want to.
By fighting against discriminating national laws, that compromises the basic human rights of EU's LGBTQ population.
By raising awareness and advocating for our European LGBTQ citizens.