Federica Valcauda

use credible and responsible sources of information to
ensure my work for LGBTI rights contributes to well-informed and constructive political discussions in Brussels
and across the EU
• communicate about LGBTI rights and equality in a manner
that brings people together and builds alliances and support, avoiding polarisation

Pedro Pereira

If I'm elected as an MEP (and even if I'm not) I intend to fight with our elected MEPs for the respect of the rule of law and human rights everywhere in the European Union, opposing any regressive stances in LGBT+ policies like those seen in Poland until recently and still in place in Hungary. The party I run with has been criticizing the situation in these countries for some years now, even not being part of the European Parliament, not only in Portugal and the rest of the EU but worldwide. I intend to achieve full removal of legal and social discriminatory barriers applied to LGBT+ people.

Janja Sluga

I will most certanly seek information and input from LGBTI civil society to ensure that my efforts contribute and ensure LGBTI rights and well being. LGBTI rights are human rights and should not be different than human rights of all others.
Inclusion, respect and alliance is the right way to go.

Matej Grah

With education, promotion and with events. Something that we are already doing in the Organization Gibanje Svoboda Youth.

Erik Berg

Most importantly, work to strengthen the EU institutions to achive a common foreign policy, which should be used to more actively support LGBTQI+ people against discrimination and persecution. An EU-wide ban on forced sterilisation of trans people is essential to protect the liberties of all Europeans.

Finn Hartvig Nielsen

I will take the points of the pledge into consideration in all relevant legislation for the next five-year period. I will actively pursue the implementation of legislation to protect minorities and give everyone the freedom to live the life they choose.

Venla Kajan

1. Promote same-sex marriage and parenthood to be legally recognised in every EU country
2. Keep the issues of sexual and gender minorities on the parliament agenda
3. Demand more focus on the LGBT+ rights in the EU foreign policy
4. Condemn all attacks towards sexual and gender minorities

Fons Cazius

I will promote equal rights for all EU citizens, including LGBTI+ peoples rights. To stimulate legislation which enables people to live without being discriminated or persecuted for who they are. To ensure people are allowed to marry who they wish and be enabled to adopt children.