Mateusz Iskrzyński

I will actively fight for rights and safety of all LGBTQ+ people and implement the program of Lewica Razem:

Luis Lineo

We must jointly work to more forcefully counter discrimination and violence against LGBTQIA people, especially transgender people who are particularly vulnerable. LGBTQIA asylum seekers' rights must also be strengthened, because migration authorities often reject and deport them in violation with international law. Non-medically necessary surgical intervention on intersex children, without consent, must be banned at EU level. The EU's free movement must also apply fully to LGBTQIA people and rainbow families.

Marina Castellano

inclusiveness in the understanding of different sexual identities and gender expressions, respect for everyone's rights, PERSON as an individual not "special cases", information / training already in primary school, strengthening the culture of inclusion

Wiktoria Aleksandra Barańska

As a LGBT person myself and an activist who co-organises two prides and helps other towns to organise their own in the eastern part of Poland, I'm highly dedicated to fighting on the LGBTQIA community rights. In my country we are deprived of marriage equality, civil partnerships, dignity of transition and even provisions protecting us against the hate speech. I'm fighting for these regulations in Poland and I want to continue this mission on EU level.

Johannes Fehr

In all my work in the parliament I will include as basis of my decisions that ALL people are equal.