Prokop Hapala

I plan to support eventual EU regulations oriented toward equality between heterosexual and LGBT partnership. Nevertheless, don't plan actively contribute to the political discussion about LGBT related topics because it is out of my proffesional scope. Instead I will actively focus on my primary topic: to make sure that advances in science and technology benefits whole society.

Andrea John Dejanaz

The Lgbtqiapk+ community right now represents the backbone of human, reproductive and civil rights. Especially within it intersectional exploitation is evident and therefore the support of the community and the priority of its issues also mandatory. This means facing within the euro-parlament the striking differences of treatment through the different nations part of it and strive to produce an homogeneous eurozone safe from abuse, mistreatment and civil injustice. I’ll back up with my work the community struggles, being aware nonetheless that the community has its own voice and to respect it.

Ines Kostic

In the EU I will always speak out, work for and find coalitions for (e..g.):

– The right for every LGBTQIA+ person to be themselves.

– Human rights for LGBTQIA+ people and recognition and support for the different relationships people can be in. Including multi-parenting regonized by law.

– Punishing states and other actors who discriminate against LGBTQIA+ people,

– Reconizing and considering intersectional perspectives in European policies. Queer people of color now for example have to deal with extra discrimination and violence.

– Basic income for everyone

Maxime Viancin

Si je suis élu, je m'engage à défendre le droit de toutes et tous de vivre dans la dignité et sans discrimination.

Notre principal combat sera de lutter contre les mouvements réactionnaires qui s'opposent aux droits des femmes et des personnes LGBTI à travers toute l'Europe.

Nous garantirons l’égalité des personnes LGBTI, notamment par la reconnaissance mutuelle des droits des familles, notamment dans le domaine de la filiation et l’égalité des droits pour les couples de même sexe (union civile, mariage, adoption et filiation des enfants) dans toute l’Union européenne.

Vítek Prokop

By all available means – from speeches on the floor of the European Parliament, to social media posts, to active participation in demonstrations.

Jan Macháček

Equality is for me the most important political value, I strongly believe that all people are entitled to equal rights, no matter their gender, sexuality, skin colour, place of birth, social status or whatever. Insisting on the indivisibility of human rights, I will always oppose both corporate pinkwashing, and the extreme right, no matter if it acts openly or disguised as the so called conservative left. I will consult human rights activists and trade unions rather than corporate lobbyists and conservative pressure groups.