Adam Ročárek

I will support LGBTQ+ rights at the European Parliament, and I will support the EU to push much harder against countries that continue to discriminate LGBTQ+ individuals, denying them equal rights while demanding equal responsibilities. EU has pledged to support democracy, and without equality, democracy is only an illusion. I will also use the platform to back LGBTQ+ rights elsewhere, especially in regimes that currently imprison and murder individuals for belonging to the LGBTQ+ community.

Santiago Mbanda Lima

Yes. As a black intersex person that has multiple sclerosis, my commitment is mandatory. Because of my peer European activists I have gained a stronger voice. For me intersectionality, antiracism and LGBTIQA+ rights are my core work as an activist.


As a former LGBTIQ+ activist, I will join LGBTIQ+ intergroup and I will continue to be a strong voice for civil society, working with them every step of the way to echo their initiatives in debates and translate them into resolutions and bills. I will persist in defending equal rights for LGBTIQ+ people and in the determined fight against discrimination and exclusion on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and gender characteristics. I will support LGBTIQ+ people in all their diversity in my parliamentary work.

Martin Biskup

In my work, I will always keep human rights in mind, as well as the rights of all minorities.

Petr Pávek

As an LGBT+ activist and proud queer member of the community, I will keep in touch with Czech and European LGBT+ advocating groups and join the related group of MPs. All people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, ethnicity, age and other characteristics, deserve equal rights.

Anežka Michnová

I will push for the unification and equalisation of all forms of same-sex unions across the European Union.