Pauline Dumas

– advocate for LGBTIQ rights.
– support LGBTIQ associations and landmarks.
– work to integrate LGBTIQ rights in the chart of fundamental rights and raise awareness about their condition.
– support LGBTIQ people against attacks of the far right.
– fight against every form of discrimination.

Win Scheijde

My passion as a woman with a transgender background is to make Europe a safe space to all it's citizens.

Not being able to be oneself in 2024 is unacceptable to me and I believe that if we can inform the European citizens through education and positive exposure we can help our community and battle all the misinformation that's been spread around.

Gaby Markandu

The Dutch Party for the Animals, and myself as a candidate, stand for the protection of the most vulnerable on this planet, humans and other animals. Marginalised people, like people from the LGBTQI+ community, need recognition and solidarity from the government. Sadly, we live in a society where people have to fight for their identity. Within my political work, I am committed to representing the marginalised communities and to speak up about injustice whenever I see it.

Wesley Pechler

As a queer man, the current wave of trans hatred that is engulfing Europe is deeply worrying to me. My first priority would be to fight hard for the rights of trans and non-binary people and fight against the normalisation of transphobia in politics.

Sami Säynevirta

I respect humanity and I will work for equality as a basic value of human rights and democracy in European union, member states and societies. That is what would make The EU sivilized and a safer place for everyone. It is important peace work as well.

Camille Hachez

Si je suis élu·e, je m'engage à défendre le droit de toutes et tous face aux attaques des mouvements réactionnaires qui s'opposent aux droits des femmes et des personnes LGBTI à travers toute l'Europe.

Je m’engage en faveur d’une Europe garantissant la reconnaissance mutuelle des droits des familles et l’égalité des droits pour les couples de même sexe.

Je demanderai un accès gratuit et rapide à la PMA pour tou·tes, sans discriminations aucunes.

Je défendrai le principe d’auto-détermination du genre ainsi que le remboursement et l’accès aux soins de santé spécifiques aux personnes trans.

Tarra Stermšek Kristan

I promise to collaborate with civil society to advocate for the rights, equality, and democratic representation of LGBTI individuals throughout the European Union and globally.