Liisa Taskinen

I will continue to give correct information in social media discussions and wherever needed, as I do even now. I will support all legislative initiatives that guarantee equal human rights for LGBTI people.

Paula Pinto

Being a strong advocate and defender on the needs of LGBTI people in all their diversity and intersectionality. Urging for the reinforcement of EU policies and laws to protect on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics.

Cian Prendiville

As a member of the LGBTQI+ community myself, I will strongly a vocally oppose all queer-phobic policies and rhetoric, and work with campaigning organisations to fight for equality and liberation.

Marilena Grassadonia

I have been an LBGTQIA+ activist for 20 years and former president of Famiglie Arcobaleno, the main association of LGBTQIA+ parents in Italy. My life as an activist has always been dedicated to civil rights and my pledge is to bring the voice of the LGTQIA+ community to the European Parliament and fight for our rights. As a lesbian mother in a country like Italy that denies the most basic rights of LGBTQIA+ citizens, I know what it means to work for equality.
This is the moment for Europe to stop the governments that are most dangerous for the rights and lives of minorities.

Li Andersson

Fighting for equality and minority rights have been key elements of my political work for my whole career. I aim to continue this work next up in the European Parliament. The human rights of gender and sexual minorities are threatened across Europe. The EU must take action to protect the lives of LGBTIQ people. I am dedicated in putting in the work to make this happen. I also hope to do this in close collaboration with the LGBTIQ organisations and community.


I will make sure the UE uses all its powers to hold Member States accountable for violation of the human rights of LGBTI people.
I will communicate about LGBTI rights and equality in a manner that brings people together and builds alliances and support, avoiding polarisation.

Simona Merisi

Promuovendo norme che garantiscano:
-il riconoscimento reciproco dei diritti e doveri familiari anche in materia di tutela dei figli,
-la parità di diritti per le coppie dello stesso sesso uniformando la legislazione su unioni civili, matrimonio, adozione e filiazione,
-l’accesso libero alla procreazione medicalmente assistita (PMA) a tutte le donne single o in coppia, indipendentemente dal loro stato civile,
– in ogni stato membro i percorsi di affermazione di genere nel rispetto dei diritti fondamentali e contro ogni forma di discriminazione,