Melanie Steliou

I believe that two of the most important factors for delivering these commitments and making sure policies are implemented is calling out the violations/injustices/discriminations when they happen and also accountability. People and organisations as well as the EU should be held accountable in the case they do not implement what they have committed to. Another major factor I would like to work on is education. Education is key to creating a better world for the next generations. These are 3 of the ways I would deliver on these commitments

Ewout van Hoek

In 2024, it's unacceptable that anyone can't be themselves. As a bisexual person, I am dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community and ensuring everyone can live openly and authentically.

Katarina Peović

I, as a candidate for the European Parliament, pledge to be a firm supporter of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people’s human rights and equality in the European Union and beyond.