Martin Günther

LGBTAQ* people must enjoy the same rights in all member states. EU and national directives must be binding and cover the grounds for multiple and intersectional discrimination, such as socio-economic status, age, ethnicity, origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity or disabilities.
Therefore, we demand among other things to develop a new LGBTIAQ* equality strategy for 2025-2030. In order to implement this, the Commission should ensure a department for an equal opportunities and diversity officer in the next term of office.

Lea Reisner

I will at all times stand with the LGBTQI+ community. Trans rights are human rights and only intersectional queer feminism will be the solution to overcome the violence of patriarchy.

Martin Schirdewan

LGBTAQ* people must enjoy the same rights in all member states. EU and national directives must be binding and cover the grounds for multiple and intersectional discrimination, such as socio-economic status, age, ethnicity, origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity or disabilities.
Therefore, we demand among other things to develop a new LGBTIAQ* equality strategy for 2025-2030. In order to implement this, the Commission should ensure a department for an equal opportunities and diversity officer in the next term of office.

José Gusmão

My priority is to ensure there is a next LGBTIQ+ Equality Strategy and make sure it's duly implemented. I will integrate the LGBTI Intergroup and maintain a close dialogue with queer civil society. More generally, as a guiding principle, I will promote the defence of public services in all the appropriate legislative files. Figures show that the LGBTI community is disproportionately affected by the housing crisis and underfunded health systems.

Rudi Kennes

It is a part of the program of my party. So it is evident that I will do my very best for it.
