Ana Correia Da Veiga

– déi Lénk demands that asylum seekers who are victims of gender-based violence be granted refugee status in cases where it has been established that the fear of persecution is based on one or more of these grounds.

– déi Lénk wants to authorize same-sex marriage in all European states, and to guarantee the right to do so by enshrining it in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

– déi Lénk wants to guarantee the right to self-determination in matters of gender identity, sexual health and reproductive rights, ban gender and sexual orientation conversion therapies, and have de

André Marques

In my work as historian who specialised in the research of victims of Nazi persecution, my whole purpose was to listen to the stories of those affected in order to relay their story of suffering to newer generations so that we never forget.

As such my goal if elected is to listen to those affected, to read up on the material available to better inform myself about the various challenges and difficulties the community faces and address those head on to allow everyone the right to live the way they want to live. To allow future generations to no longer face the same challenges and problems.

Tania Mousel

Through my vote in the European parliament, through critizing discriminatory policies in the European union, working with associations in the field and working on proposals that further equality

Evelyn Schötz

Die Gleichbehandlung aller Menschen ist ein Grundsatz nach dem ich immer handeln werde.

Mar Cambrollé Jurado

Defendiendo propuestas de avance para las personas trans y LGTBI. Sobre todo, importante abordar el odio, la libre circulación de las personas LGTBI y el derecho a la autodeterminación del género de las personas trans.