Merja Kyllönen

In all my work, I commit to promoting and protecting the protection of human rights and the rights of minorities.

Ifigeneia Kamtsidou

Law drafting
Control on EU policies
Supporting the organisations for HR and equality

Antonis Bogris

New Left party and I as one of its representatives in the European parliament will make sure the EU uses all its powers to hold Member States accountable for violations of the human rights of LGBTI people, and for ignoring their obligations under EU treaties, legislation and policies, and refusing to implement of existing legal protections. Moreover, in a continuous collaboration with LGBTI people and their representatives, New Left party will continuously monitor the situation in EU and will submit political proposals for the full establishment of LGBTI people rights.

Aikaterini Saranti

"As a disabled person, I am very familiar with the meaning of discrimination, and I am actively fighting for the community in any way I can. I am not exactly sure how I will do this as a member of the European Parliament, but I have some ideas that I am committed to. I will reach out to the LGBTI community and listen to their requests without prejudice. Additionally, I am committed to ensuring that one of my colleagues in the European Parliament is well-versed in the rights of the LGBTI community and belongs to the community. Diversity is a source of strength."