Marcello Saltarelli

Guarantee equal access to workplace opportunities without discrimination and sanction enterprises that do not comply with inclusive employment. Introduce an EU anti-discrimination law that extends the existing protection in the area of employment to other areas such as social security, education and the supply of goods and services, including housing. Push for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention by the remaining Member States and its full implementation by the EU and all Member States.
And a lot more (read our program)

Silvia Panini

Here: you can find the electoral programme I'm running with, at page 35 you can find our policies on inclusion and the fight of discriminations and barriers. I would like to remark one of the actions we promote: "Create EU funding schemes that are
directly accessible by civic, social or political
organisations to promote constructive
dialogue initiatives between divergent
views on LGBTQIA+ rights and other
contentious topics that are fuelling a social
divide within Europe".

Madeleine Norman

I am myself bisexual, so these commitments are natural to focus on for me. I will especially focus on hate crimes against the HBTQIA-community, and try making it part of European law.

Vicent Marzà Ibáñez

Expand EU LGBTQI+ equality strategy. Develop hate speech laws to include LGBTQI+ protections. Protect LGBTQI+ families' rights across the EU.
Ensure legal recognition and rights for trans, intersex, and non-binary individuals.
Guarantee access to healthcare for trans people across MS. Advocate for asylum rights on LGBTQI+ issues. Fight against unnecessary medical interventions for intersex individuals. Condition funding on LGBTQI+ rights respect.

Martin Marmgren

I will always take into account the human rights perspective in general and specifically the LGBTI-rights perspective when voting and when working on and negociating legislation. I will meet with, listen to and learn from relevant civil society organisations.

Luca Boccoli

With lobbying for laws that support lgbtqi+ community

Christina Efthimiatou

My commitment is to work for:
– The full and effective compliance of the Greek law with the EU directives on anti-discrimination and anti-violence, inclusiveness and cultural coexistence. With a focus on prevention and education, for specific professional groups and society as a whole, as well as for extending equal treatment legislation to all social sectors.
– The implementation monitoring and support of individual and collective complaints to national and European institutions.