Chiara Minelli

Attraverso il confronto puntuale con le associazioni di promozione e difesa dei diritti della comunità lgbtqia+

Tuuli Kousa

I am committed to promoting and protecting LGBTIQ rights if elected to the European Parliament. I will work to ensure that the EU upholds equality and justice for LGBTI people both within its borders and globally. By engaging with LGBTI civil society, I will seek expert input and strategic guidance to do this effectively, and together, we will defend liberal democracy, the rule of law, and individual freedoms against rising populist extremism. My vision for Europe is one that stands boldly for our shared values and advances prosperity without compromising human rights.

Bart Staes

Will undertake action and propose all needed initiatives in committees and Plenary!

Heike Pauli

I find it very important to ask for input from the LGBTQI+ community themselves, whilst not placing the burden of education only on them.

Michael Stöhr

I will keep in touch with people who are affected themselves in order to better understand their situation and take this into account in my political decisions.

Adam Hruška

By voting and publicly acting in accordance with the pledge.

Filipe Honório

As MEP I want to ensure the involvement of civil society through information actions and European citizenship courses to promote citizens' knowledge and involvement with the European Union.