Inka Hopsu

I have worked for the better enjoyment of human rights from young age and continued that in my work life and later in parliament. I’m comitted to work together with the LGBTQI-community to reach equal rights both in Europe and in developing countries, especially in countries, where EU works.

Ana Miranda

As a MEP and candidate of the BNG for the European Parliament, I commit to advocating for policies that protect the rights of LGBTI people, as well as pushing for an ambitious LGBTIQ Equality Strategy in the EU. I will actively engage with civil society and organizations defending LGBTI rights in Europe and beyond, and I will use credible information in my decision-making, always keeping the rights and equality of all people as inalienable principles in my political activity.


Sono LUCREZIA IURLARO, candidata alle Europee con Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra nella circoscrizione centro e firmo il vostro appello con convinzione impegnandomi laddove venissi eletta – ma continuerò in ogni caso a farlo nel mio attivismo associativo – a promuovere, tutelare e garantire davvero diritti umani e uguaglianza di tutte le persone lesbiche, gay, bisessuali, trans e intersessuali nell’Unione europea e anche nella dimensione internazionale.

Ralph Cassar

Together with my Green colleagues from all over the EU and beyond, I'll work to defend these commitments in the European Parliament and keep open channels with Maltese organisations working on these commitments nationally.

Susa Vikeväkorva

I am committed to promote equality and human rights in all my actions. I would support and protect the rights of LGBTI people as an elected member of the European Parliament. I would work tirelessly and determinedly. I would use scientific knowledge, communicate and be active in these matters. I would collaborate a lot and meet people. I want to listen and learn every day as a politician.

Human rights belong to everyone.

Giovanni Mori

If elected, I will firmly stand by the rights of LGBTQ+ people wherever in Europe – since our Union is based on the respect on human rights, especially if they regards love

Shawn Huff

I have always been an advocate for human rights and will continue to do so regardless if I get elected.