Jose Maria Casas

Yes i will, and as a member of the Catalonian Pirate Party i will have Human Rights as my guide as stated by our 3 laws proposal:

Sergi Martín Arbós

La UE ha de protegir de manera efectiva les persones LGBTI+ i combatre els discursos d'odi que recauen sobre nosaltres.
Cal una regulació europea en aquest àmbit per garantir els drets de les persones LGBTI+ a tot el territori europeu. Especialment aquelles que pateixen més discriminació com ara les persones trans, les persones amb poc recursos o les persones migrades o refugiades pel fet de ser persones LGBTI+.

Rachelle Deguara

When elected, I plan to maintain strong collaborations with grassroots organisations and advocate for their interests through my voting in the European Parliament.

Angeline Pot

Ik zou mijn best doen om deze mensen een gelijkwaardige plaats in de maatschappij te bieden, net als de mensen met een lichamelijke of verstandelijke beperking.

Rob Visser

I will do what i do on every subject: i listen to emotions, needs and pledges as well as facts and explanations, from different perspectives, to form an opinion independently with all due respect to the people involved.

Petra Pintera

I will call for and support necessary legislatory changes And advocate for support throughout the society.


– Implement a plan to combat violence against LGBTQIA+ people including professional training, sharing of experience and practices between Member States and in connection with the associations and people concerned.
– Carry out a strategy for equality for LGBTQIA+ people to allow trans, intersex and non-binary people to also be protected by the European legal framework and to fill the gaps existing law against discrimination and hate crimes.

Alessandra Mariano

Aderisco con molto piacere, sono lotte a cui mi dedico da una vita sentendole sulla mia pelle. Uniti ce la faremo! 🌈