Vera Petkantchin

I will, first of all, establish close contacts with the LGBTI organizations and work together on a common strategy. Based on this strategy, I will work towards European legislation, but also towards more acceptance and a more favorable legislation for the community on a national level.

Jan Steurs

While my main focus is technology, digital platforms and AI, I am particularly dedicated to ensure algorithms and the development of AI will always have a human rights test, particular in order to protect minority groups and the LGBTQI community.

I fully commit to support my colleagues in the Greens/EFA faction who already are staunch members and supporters of the community, and attempt to be the best ally possible.

Matthijs Pontier

Ik sta voor een vrij Europa, waarin iedereen zich vrij en veilig kan voelen, onafhankelijk van uiterlijk, gender of seksuele voorkeur!

Slavomír Maňásek

Our party is determined to harmonise on a European level the protection of LGBTQ+ rights so queer people all across Europe are guaranteed equal rights and treatment, respecting their right to dignity.

Juliana Métivier

Nous souhaitons qu'il n'y ait aucune discrimination au sein de l'Union européenne et qu'elle soit pénalement répréhensible


It's essential that human rights are respected in all countries of the European Union, and that the European Union does everything possible to defend these rights everywhere in the world (it can – and must do – with trade agreements, diplomacy…)

This respect for human rights (choice of identity, sexuality…) requires justice and the means given and guaranteed to public services and keep giving support associations that acting for rights LGBTI people’s in Europe.

I will be delighted to support your proposals, and your – our – fight!