Léa Charlet

LGBTQI+ policies are at the core of my political activism, and being able to fight for them in the EP would be my utmost privilege.
I'll obviously would keep in touch with experts EU organisations like ILGA, to continue fighting the most pressing issues for the LGBTQI+ community in Europe and in the enlargement, neighbourhood and third countries.

Sara Matthieu

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ Intergroup and a feminist MEP in the European Parliament I work on a daily basis in order to secure a safe and decent living for everyone living in the EU.
We takelot's of initiatives and we support all legislation that secures everyone to be whoever they want to be.

Nicolae Stefanuta

I will continue to be very outspoken on achieving full equality for all LGBTQIA+ citizens. I will pressure the government of Romania to implement ECJ and ECHR decisions and to stop violence, homophobia, transphobia. I fight for the recognotion of spouses, marriage equality and full application of patrimonial and other rights. I will continue to sit on the LGBTQ intergroup and defend from there the assault on freedoms and rights.

Terry Reintke

If elected, I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to upholding and defending the fundamental rights of LGBTIQ* individuals. Everyone deserves to be loved and treated equally, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that LGBTIQ*-phobia is combated at every level, advocating for inclusive policies and support systems across the European Union. Together, we will strive for a Europe that recognizes and celebrates the diversity of sexual and gender identities as inherent to our shared values.