Julia Sangervo

I will commit to working together for LGBTI rights, equality and democracy across the EU and beyond. My speciality being in mental health.

Maria Ohisalo

I will actively promote human rights, listen and gather information, make new initiatives and participate into events around the topic.

Perttu Jussila

Especially now when anti-gender rhetoric is on the rise we have to make sure we protect queer people from discrimination. This means legislation but also spreading information.

Radoslav Soth

Volt Europa stands for LGBTIQ rights, and advocates for full recognition of rainbow couples and families across the EU. As a young gay man myself I believe we need to see more diversity at the leadership positions in the EU institutions.
If elected, I would actively work within the LIBE committee to achieve these goals, with the support of all progressive members as well with the support of the lGBT intergroup in the Parliament.

Ariane Giraneza Birekeraho

My door will always be open for LGBTI+ organisations. I plan on actively collaborating with them in order to make sure that all EU policies take into account the intersectional lived experiences of LGBTI+ people.

Mina Jack Tolu

I will join the LGBTIQ intergroup and work across groups for respect of LGBTQI fundamental rights. Even when working on a "unrelated portfolio" I will make sure that it reflects the needs of marginalised communities, including those who face multiple layers of prejudice and discrimination, including systemic violence.

Loris Dumas

If elected, I will commit to promote LGBTI+ rights at all time.

I will work hand in hand with civil society organisations to make sure the EU sis taking the right path to protect and supports it’s LGBTI+ citizens.