Unna Eteläinen

I will work for LGBTI rights, especially for young LGBTI people and equality in the EU. I will cooperate with NGOs and actively expand my knowledge of the challenges the LGBTI community faces in Europe. I will prioritize the perspective of the community and ensure their participation in decision-making. I have also committed to supporting the election goals of Seta, a national human rights NGO in Finland.

Silja Keränen

I will work together with my parliament group and other committed MEPs to ensure LGBTI rights. As you stated human rights are not obvious anymore – there are forces who are working against. We must work harder and be stronger together. That's the only way forward.

Rikke Lauritsen

I will fight right wing conservative ideals. Everybody should be able to be who they are and love who they love. Love is love!

Rasmus Nordqvist

I will be sure to keep a strong connection to our community. For me LGBTQI question has never been something I just discussed at the fringed of a committee, it has to present in all our work. Human rights is not just for speeches they need action.

Hannah Neumann

Human rights are based on equal rights for everyone. This applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity as well as discrimination against women, indigenous peoples, migrants, minorities, people w/ disabilities or racial & religious discrimination.
The principles of equality and non-discrimination are fundamental to my human rights work, including in my current position as Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights. I look forward to continuing to work with LGBTI civil society in the coming legislative session to defend and protect equal human rights worldwide.

Thomas Jans

I will continu to work closely with the LGBTI civil society to work on policies that protect LGBTI people in all their diversity. And I will communicate about the importance of human rights and equality, bringing people together.

Viviane Triems

Since I started being active in the party I fought for queer rights. It is really important for me to listen to the people, to NGOs and to fight for a better life together. I want to participate in making the European Union a safer space for queer people and marginalised people in general. I stand for human rights in the political field and on the streets.