Duarte Costa

Work together bringing LGBTQIA+ rights in paper to the reality of those in the EU that still are not able to enjoy them. Namely, through empowering legally and financially the organizations in the frontline that work to give visibility and normalize gender and sexual diversity.

Gabriel Karlsson

There is a great need for better protection for LGBTQIA+ people, especially for those who are still finding out their identity.
Europe needs to ensure privacy and safe communications to allow people to express themselves freely.
More also needs to be done about disinformation by addressing incentives for controversial content and targeted campaigns, as these can spiral into hate and violence.
I will always listen to NGOs and consider how LGBTQIA+ groups are affected by my political work. I want Europe to not only be safe for everyone at home, but also be the shelter for change globally.

Catarina Vieira

Human rights and equality are some of my key priorities, and the rights of LGBTI people are, unfortunately, under threat. Alongside the community, I want to advocate for a safe environment where everyone can be themselves not only in Europe, but also beyond.

Alexandra Geese

Attacks against rainbow families, online hate speech against LGBTI people, physical violence against trans people – as an ally I'm loudly and proudly defending LGBTI rights. The EU must ensure the protection of LGBTI people faced with rising attacks against our democracies, our fundamental rights and values in Europe. I'm fighting in the EU Parliament for an open and diverse Europe, where human rights are respected and upheld for everyone.

Rosa Domm

I stand behind LGBTQIA+ people with full conviction and wholeheartedly. If elected, I will proactively support and protect their rights in parliament and beyond by engaging LGBTQIA+ organisations and giving them a voice. Europe must be a strategic and operational leader for human rights of LGBTQIA+ people and a safe place for all people. I will fight for that.

Tilly Metz

I will continue fighting for LGBTIQ rights in all relevant aspects of life. The EU must ensure that LGBTIQ people are protected by law and policies – both in and outside of EU.

Petr Doubravský

I'm ready to fight for our rights by all possible means. The attacks on our community from conservatives and EU states such as Hungary and Slovakia can not be left without a response. European project stands on strong human rights standards and there is no option to change this.

Thomas Waitz

I will support the LGBTIAQ+ community and advocate for their rights in all my political actions to the best of my knowledge and ability. Together with my colleagues in the group as well as my team I will make sure to only support legislation that is neutral or beneficial for members of the LGBTIAQ+ community.