Elisabet Acedo

Seeking space and time to consider which are the next steps; legislative, in services provision, in equal acxess and public visibility and democratic participation of LGTB citizens and their civil society representatives.
Ensuring best practice extends to every corner of the EU and beyond through EU's sphere of influence.


I will advocate for policies that help establish equality for all. I am and I will keep working closely with my friends in human rights and LGBTQIA+ civil society organisations in the local communities to ensure that their voices are heard, and that policies are shaped accordingly, implemented and protected across the EU.

Thea-Helene Gieroska

If elected, I'll be defending LGBTQIA* rights in the EU, working to combat discrimination and promote inclusive policies. I'll ensure budget considerations include support for LGBTQIA*organizations and oppose any form of hatred. I’ll stand in solidarity with LGBTQIA* people, advocating for their rights in parliament and beyond, and actively opposing attacks. As part for the LGBTQIA* Community, I'll firmly defend our rights for a diverse and respectful Europe.

Matthias Iannis Portelli

I am committed to the principles of liberty and the core EU values of human rights and dignity for everyone. As an MEP candidate, I pledge to advocate for the advancement and protection of individual rights, fostering an inclusive society for all. I will also ensure that states are held accountable for violations against the queer community's rights and work towards making sure the EU is a truly LGBTQI+ inclusive Union.


As a European federalist, I believe in integrating LGBTQ+ rights into all public policies. If elected to the European Parliament, my focus would be on advocating for the inclusion of explicit protections for LGBTQ+ rights in a potential European Constitution. I would work with colleagues to advance progressive legislation promoting equality and non-discrimination across the EU, ensuring that every part of Europe offers the same opportunities, rights, and freedoms for LGBTQ+ community. My goal is to ensure that LGBTQ+ rights are firmly protected and promoted at all levels of European governance

Sven Franck

– Immediately undergo training on the European legal framework currently applicable in the EU / on the legal frameworks of the neighbouring countries
– Meet with representatives of LGBTI civil society within three months of your election, including liaising with civil society in the Enlargement and Neigbhourbood countries
– Work with other Volt MEPs to promote a second European strategy for LGBTIQ equality
– Ensure that new legislation and reports that pass through your committee(s) take into account the principle of non-discrimination against LGBTI people, or do not risk indirectly underminin

Clara Panella Gómez

As an MEP, I would love to work on rule of law and constitutional matters. As such, there is one specific part of the pledge I will work on as much as I can: "Make sure the EU uses all its powers to hold Member States accountable for violations of the human rights of LGBTI people".