Aurélie Dap

As a potential Member of the European Parliament, I pledge to vigorously advocate for robust EU policies protecting the rights of individuals based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. I would actively engage in defending these rights against broader attacks on democracy and ensure accountability for violations. Additionally, I would champion LGBTQIA+ rights globally, emphasize effective strategies, and give precedence to community safety.

Philippe Schannes

As a potential Member of the European Parliament, I pledge to vigorously advocate for robust EU policies protecting the rights of individuals based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. I would actively engage in defending these rights against broader attacks on democracy and ensure accountability for violations. Additionally, I would champion LGBTQIA+ rights globally, emphasize effective strategies, and give precedence to community safety.

Andromachi Sophocleous

Human rights for all is a core pillar of our manifesto. The protection of human rights, the resistance against the democratic backsliding and the need for a progressive agenda founded on respect, understanding and empathy in multicultural and diverse societies, is one of the key reasons behind our decision to get in mainstream politics and have Volt Cyprus established.

Lefteris-Foivos Vasilopoulos

As an MEP, I will be engaged with LGBTQI civil society from all around Europe in order to reinforce inclusive dialogue at the european level.
I will also advocate for a European public sphere without discriminations, where LGBTQI rights are protected in every part of the EU , the enlargement and neighborhood countries. Finally , I will actively participate in legislative proposals from the EU , for example regarding the right to marriage for everyone, in every EU member state.