Mattias Bjärnemalm

My aim is to become a full Member of the LIBE Committee, where I will have a chance to impact legislation relevant for the Community.

I will stay in touch with the LGBTI community and interest Groups in Brussels to make sure that I am aware of their input on relevant legislation.

I will continue the good work done by previous Pirate MEPs to promote the interest of the LGBTI community in all aspects of my work as a MEP.

Sara Hjalmarsson

A healthy democracy demands a safe space for all. I will commit to working for the inclusion of LGBTQI issues.

David František Wagner

In all relevant files. It is simply unacceptable to treat LGTQ+ people like second class citizen (like Czechia does at the moment) and at the same time if they face hatred, they should be protected. Everyone should.

Marie Toussaint

I will continue fighting for dignity and the respect of human rights in Europe and in the world, including those of LGBTQIA+ people.

Daniel Silva

As a potential Member of the European Parliament, I pledge to vigorously advocate for robust EU policies protecting the rights of individuals based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. I would actively engage in defending these rights against broader attacks on democracy and ensure accountability for violations. Additionally, I would champion LGBTQIA+ rights globally, emphasize effective strategies, and give precedence to community safety.

Lara Marwaha

As a potential Member of the European Parliament, I pledge to vigorously advocate for robust EU policies protecting the rights of individuals based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. I would actively engage in defending these rights against broader attacks on democracy and ensure accountability for violations. Additionally, I would champion LGBTQIA+ rights globally, emphasize effective strategies, and give precedence to community safety.

Conny Jaroni

As a potential Member of the European Parliament, I pledge to vigorously advocate for robust EU policies protecting the rights of individuals based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. I would actively engage in defending these rights against broader attacks on democracy and ensure accountability for violations. Additionally, I would champion LGBTQIA+ rights globally, emphasize effective strategies, and give precedence to community safety.