Raquel Pichel

I wil actively work with the LGBTI civil society and associations for guidance, information and feedback on my work.
I will keep present in my every action and communication the values of human rights and equality as part of my continuous fight against hate, prejudice and polarisation.

Sacha Muller

I will actively engage with the LGBTIQ+ community on all legislative proposals and initiatives I get to work on to ensure any potential impact on the community is identified and taken into account to ensure that no harm will be done to the community and that LGBTIQ+ rights are strengthened wherever possible

Petar Socevic

I will work every single day to protect LGBT+ people. As specialized in human rights law, I will use my abilities to ensure human rights respect in every country in Europe.

Clara López de Lerma Alarcón

Considero que, en el momento actual, son más necesarias que nunca las medidas que protejan a las personas LGBTIQ+ en todos los ámbitos (social, laboral, económico, etc). Por tanto, me comprometo a trabajar para conseguir más derechos para todes.