Maximilian Retzer

I will defend every queer right ever fought for against right wing and conservative roll back attempts. I will also stand up for better support and financing of democracy and diversity projects all around Europe. And, of course, I will fight for every queers' human rights and equality.

Anna Peters

Through finance and budget policies that focus on the LGBTIQ* and feminist issues! The fight for human rights is a queer and feminist fight and needs to be taken to the committees that decide over the EU-budget.

Dave Pador-Sundermeyer

Queerpolitics is my native political field of expertise, so i will use my knowledge and experience to prevent discrimination against the queer community and foster understanding and mutual understanding between other communities.

Niklas Nienaß

I will stay organised in the LGBTQI Intergroup and check the acts on their benefits and drawbacks for the queen community. I will not support any law that discriminates against LGBTQI people.

Osamu Okamura

As one of the Pride Voices 2017, inspirational figures who help the LGBTI community live better lives, I have always supported and will further actively pursue LGBTI rights in Europe.

Vít Masare

If I'm elected I will keep on defending marginalized communities and people oppresed for their difference from the mainstream ideals.