Tineke Strik

Keep fighting for the protection of Rule of Law, including equal rights and non-discrimination in Member States (especially Hungary/Slovakia) and candidate countries, but also worldwide.
I actively support the recognition and equal treatment of same sex marriages/relationships; rights of transgender persons; protection of (freedom of expression of) LGBTQIA+persons; and actively combat anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation/policies; in the European asylum system, I fight for protective policies for LGBTQIA+asylum seekers: recognition of their flight reasons and safe reception centres.

Timo Huhtamäki

As MEP I will use reliable sources of information to ensure that my work for rainbow rights contributes to constructive political debates in Brussels and across the EU

I will also actively communicate about rainbow rights and equality in a way that connects people and builds alliances and support, avoiding polarization

Marcel Kolaja

I believe that Europe should be a place where everyone is treated equally, regardless of their gender or sexuality. That is why I will support all proposals aimed at improving the situation and protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ people across Europe. I will also push for European lawmakers to finally take a stance on issues, that have been stuck in the legislative process, such as the proposal on cross-border legal recognition of parenthood. Moreover, just like in the last five years, I will always be open to support civil-rights organizations that strive to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people.

Emil Schenkyr

I stand behind LGBTQIA+ people with full conviction and wholeheartedly. If elected, I will proactively support and protect their rights in parliament and beyond by engaging LGBTQIA+ organisations and giving them a voice. Europe must be a strategic and operational leader for human rights of LGBTQIA+ people and a safe place for all people. I will fight for that.

Gabriel Laumosne

Je suis déjà investi pour la cause, je veux aider à la porter au Parlement européen.