Miguel Chambel

The next mandate can solidify the work of the EU regarding the rights of LGBTIQ persons. Having worked for 3 years in the LGBTI Intergroup in the EP, I know well that our work cannot be done without the incredible civil society that defends human rights daily in the EU and across the world.

For the next mandate we need: 1) again a dedicated Commissioner for Equality, with more executive power, 2) a second LGBTIQ Equality Strategy that proposes and delivers on legislation, 3) better protection of the freedom of movement of rainbow families, 4) secured funding for critical work by CSOs.

Javier Cañas Aparicio

By keeping communication channels opened to LGTBI Civil Society to incorporate their point of view in any legislation draft I happen to be working on, by fighting actively any provision that discriminates or goes against LGTBi rights in EU and beyond, and by promoting through education and involvement programs that citizens freely contribute
and volunteer in associations and movements of the civil society.

Στέλλα Μπελιά

"I have been an activist for LGBTQI+ rights for over 20 years, serving as the president of the organization Rainbow Families and being a member of the national committee for LGBTQI+ equality strategy. My work in the field has already brought significant institutional changes in Greece, such as the recent law on marriage equality. As society becomes increasingly conservative, it is important to have individuals like me in the European Parliament because I will continue to work with the same dedication and commitment that has brought many positive results.

Jaromir Baxa

I will support the rule of law clauses in relevant legislation, including the Multiannual Financial Framework.

Zuzana Pavelková

Queer people must feel safe, welcomed and respected everywhere in Europe. I will push for a cross-border recognition of parenthood. Rainbow families and their rights must be protected in all of the EU, including when they move across borders. I will also fight for a ban on so-called “conversion therapy” and forced sterilization of trans people, as well as intersex genital mutilation. Lastly, I will advocate for a LGBTQIA+ Equality Strategy which would help closing the legislative loopholes.

Niina Ratilainen

I will tirelessly work for demand feminist foreign policy for the EU, to alleviate gender and minority based discrimination globally. EU must always set human rights first in its foreign policy. Same goes with legislation in member states. I will always advocate for freedom of discrimination an equal rights for all citizens of the EU.

Janine Alm Ericson

I, as a candidate for the European Parliament, pledge to be a firm supporter of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people’s human rights and equality in the European Union and beyond. I will do it in every room and in every decision.