Zoi Vrontisi

Active engagement of the community, promote legislation that ensures the rights and enable effective consultation

Ana Carvalho

I will continue to be vocal and active in LGBTQIA+ rights in politics

Peppi Seppälä

LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. In times where conservative forces are forming alliances and attacking queer communities we have to stand together and protect queer rights across Europe.

Benedetta Scuderi

I will collaborate with my Group (Greens Efa) to ensure our fundamental rights are respected everywhere in our union.
This means, no discrimination, equal marriage and adoption, self determination and a strong fight against any kind of violence.
The Greens Efa Group is one of the most progressive and active Group in the European Parliament on LGBTI rights, and it will be a honours for me to join the fight for legislation, recommendations and sanctions toward non complying countries, for an inclusive EUrope.

Petros Kokkalis

As an MEP, I've been working towards making Europe a safe place for every LGBTI+ person and I'll continue doing so by:
– pushing for the criminalisation of hate speech and hate crime targeting LGBTI+ persons,
-advocating for the adoption of the Anti-discrimination Directive to provide comprehensive protection against discrimination in all areas of life, irrespective of a person’s sex, sexual orientation or identity – which has been stalled because of Member States –
– and by putting pressure on Member States for the adoption of the regulation for protecting rainbow families

Konstantina (Dina) Vardaramatou

By bringing forward the voice of the community, by combating discrimination, hate speech and crime, working towards the eradication of all forms of violence and exclusion and in favour of social inlcusion and by promoting the fullfilment and respect of human rights, democracy, transparency and accountability – on European, regional and local levels.